Another $2.5 Million for Walcha’s Swimming Pool

Last week Walcha Councillors awarded another $2.5M of essential remediation and repair work for the Walcha Memorial Baths. This work includes replacement of the entire concrete concourse, inclusion of new accessibility access to the pool and replacing the old raised gutters with ‘infinity pool’ style wet-deck gutters – allowing better and safer access as well as improving pool aesthetics. The majority this work will be undertaken by Wallace Construction Services who were the successful contractor, with other minor works (dosing upgrades, return pipework) delivered separately.

All works are grant funded via the Australian and NSW Government’s Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (BLER) of which Council were awarded an additional $1.8M this year on top of the original $1.1M allocation. Council have worked hard with both the funding body and Wallace Construction Services to minimise disruption and have the pool open this summer, however will need to close the pool early this season in order to complete all works within the funding deadline. The pool is scheduled to close Monday 17 February after all the schools have held their annual carnivals.

“This is the largest package of works to be undertaken at the pool yet,” says General Manager Phil Hood. “Council recognises the impact on the community and that is proportional to how important this asset is to Walcha. We’re also grateful to the Australian and NSW Government for making additional funds available in an environment where funding is being pulled from projects in other LGA’s.”

Council’s Mayor, Eric Noakes, says this will round out years of improvements at the facility through a number of grants. “Council has been very fortunate to have received the support and funding we have to date, with a new filtration system, solar heating, amenities upgrade, crack sealing and now this work to replace all the damaged concrete being undertaken over many years. I want to thank the community for their patience, and Councillors will discuss in the new year options for season ticket holders and learn-to-swim classes that may be affected by this early end to the season.”

Council will be running a packed summer program while the pool is open, including inflatable weekends every Saturday and some Sundays, as well as alternating Friday movie nights and night swimming Tuesdays.

For further enquiries regarding the early closure or the summer program, please contact Walcha Council on 6774 2500.


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Clr Anne-Marie Pointing

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Clr Pointing is a member of the Walcha Council Beautification Advisory Committee and Council’s representation on the Walcha Centre Managment Committee (MPC).


Clr Eric Noakes

First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016.

Elected as Mayor on 28 September 2016, re-elected unopposed on
22 December 2021 and re-elected unopposed on 9 October 2024.

Councillor Noakes is Council’s Delelgate on the following Committees:

  • Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA)
  • Walcha Local Health Committee

And is also a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Riverview Clinical Governance Committee
  • Walcha Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee
  • Walcha Council General Manager’s Performance Review Committee

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Clr Hyde Thomson

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.


Clr Gary Olrich

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Councillor Olrich is a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Community Care Committee
  • Walcha Motorcyle Rally Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee

Contact Details

Walcha Council
Phone: 02 6774 2500
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Clr Stephen McCoy

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Clr McCoy has been elected to:

  • Walcha Council’s General Manager’s Performance Review Committee; and
  • Walcha Council’s Capital Review Committee


He is also Council’s representative on the Mid North Weight of Loads Group.

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