The Annual Budget becomes part of the Annual Operational Plan. The Draft Budget is presented to Council and then placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days…
Annually, Council prepare and adopt an Operational Plan which includes the Revenue Policy, the Annual Budget, Operational Schedule and the Fees & Charges.
Council’s Fees & Charges detail the fees for all of the Council’s services and facilities. This includes…
Annually, Council prepare and adopt an Operational Plan which includes the Revenue Policy, the Annual Budget, Operational Schedule and the Fees & Charges.
A Community Strategic Plan is a plan that identifies the main priorities and aspirations for the future of the local government area covering a period of at least 10 years
Within five months after the end of the financial year, Council must prepare an Annual Report reporting its achievements in implementing its delivery program…
Under the Disability Inclusion Act 2014, councils are required to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan by July 2017.
The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is part of the Strategic Planning Process and provides crucial information to Council and decision makers regarding the financial outcomes of decision…
Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA Act)
On 1 July 2010 the new right to information legislation cam
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First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.
First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024
First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Pointing is a member of the Walcha Council Beautification Advisory Committee and Council’s representation on the Walcha Centre Managment Committee (MPC).
First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016.
Elected as Mayor on 28 September 2016, re-elected unopposed on
22 December 2021 and re-elected unopposed on 9 October 2024.
Councillor Noakes is Council’s Delelgate on the following Committees:
And is also a member of the following Council Committees:
First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.
Elected as Deputy Mayor on 9 October 2024.
First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.
First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.
Councillor Olrich is a member of the following Council Committees:
Contact Details
Walcha Council
Phone: 02 6774 2500
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First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.
Clr McCoy has been elected to:
He is also Council’s representative on the Mid North Weight of Loads Group.
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