Financial Sustainability Review

Walcha Council has adopted a budget deficit over the last two financial years which is not a sustainable proposition.  In accordance with Council’s procurement policy, several quotes were sought to undertake a Financial Sustainability Review.  The proposal from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) provided Council with the most robust and cost-effective proposal and was subsequently engaged.

After several months of intense data scrutiny, and acknowledging the independent UTS team of Professor Drew, Professor Miyazaki, and Professor Ferreira, it is clear that Council is not financially sustainable.  There are a number of reasons for this as outlined in the Reports.

Professor Drew has compiled a number of videos explaining the entire process.  They are :

Council takes the opportunity with the presentation of the independent UTS Reports to also provide our community a better understanding of the ‘business of Council’.  To that end please view our “We are Walcha” brochure.

Walcha Council having decided to seek a Special Rate Variation (SRV), unanimously supports a dialogue with its community and this was completed on Wednesday 19 October at the Walcha Bowling Club Community Meeting.  We held 7 community meetings in total and 2 listening engagements direct with our Councillors and General Manager.

We have 2 surveys for ratepayers.

The Initial Survey was initially posted to all ratepayers with the “We are Walcha” brochure (link above) and a Fact Sheet.
The  Second Survey was  given to those that attended a Community Meeting.  If you have mislaid your copy download it from the link or collect a copy of either Survey at the Council office.

Clr Adam Iuston

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.


Clr Rachel Greig

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024


Clr Anne-Marie Pointing

First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.

Clr Pointing is a member of the Walcha Council Beautification Advisory Committee and Council’s representation on the Walcha Centre Managment Committee (MPC).


Clr Eric Noakes

First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016.

Elected as Mayor on 28 September 2016, re-elected unopposed on
22 December 2021 and re-elected unopposed on 9 October 2024.

Councillor Noakes is Council’s Delelgate on the following Committees:

  • Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA)
  • Walcha Local Health Committee

And is also a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Riverview Clinical Governance Committee
  • Walcha Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee
  • Walcha Council General Manager’s Performance Review Committee

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Elected as Deputy Mayor on 9 October 2024.


Clr Hyde Thomson

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.


Clr Gary Olrich

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Councillor Olrich is a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Community Care Committee
  • Walcha Motorcyle Rally Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee

Contact Details

Walcha Council
Phone: 02 6774 2500
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Clr Stephen McCoy

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Clr McCoy has been elected to:

  • Walcha Council’s General Manager’s Performance Review Committee; and
  • Walcha Council’s Capital Review Committee


He is also Council’s representative on the Mid North Weight of Loads Group.

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