How to resize text on this site

If you would like to increase the size of text you see on this website we recommend you use your web browser to zoom into the sites pages making the text larger while preserving the layout of the page. Here’s how to do this for the most popular browsers;

Internet Explorer 7 and 8

In Internet Explorer 8 simply use the Magnifying glass in the bottom right corner of your browser frame (see image right).

Zoom with keyboard

  • To increase the text size / zoom in, press and hold the “Ctrl” while pressing +.
  • To decrease the text size / zoom out, press and hold Ctrl while pressing -.

More about resizing in Internet Explorer 8

More about resizing in Internet Explorer 7

Internet Explorer 6
To adjust the text size:

Select menu item View > Text Size

Click on the desired size. (The dot indicates the one currently selected.)

Firefox 3+
First, at the top of the Firefox window on the menu bar, click the View menu, scroll to the Zoom sub-menu and use the zoom controls as required.

Zoom with keyboard
To increase the text size / zoom in, press and hold the “Ctrl” while pressing +.

To decrease the text size / zoom out, press and hold Ctrl while pressing -.

To reset the text size, press and hold Ctrlcommand while pressing 0.

Mouse: If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold Ctrl while scrolling up to decrease the text font size and down to increase it.

More about resizing in Firefox 3

Google Chrome
Open the “Customize and control Google Chrome” spanner icon (see image right). Use the Zoom controls to resize your text as required.

Zoom with keyboard
To increase the text size / zoom in, press and hold the “Ctrl” while pressing +.

To decrease the text size / zoom out, press and hold Ctrl while pressing -.

To reset the text size, press and hold Ctrlcommand while pressing 0.

Mouse: If your mouse has a scroll wheel, press and hold Ctrl while scrolling up to decrease the text font size and down to increase it.

More about resizing in Chrome

Clr Adam Iuston

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.


Clr Rachel Greig

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024


Clr Anne-Marie Pointing

First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.

Clr Pointing is a member of the Walcha Council Beautification Advisory Committee and Council’s representation on the Walcha Centre Managment Committee (MPC).


Clr Eric Noakes

First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016.

Elected as Mayor on 28 September 2016, re-elected unopposed on
22 December 2021 and re-elected unopposed on 9 October 2024.

Councillor Noakes is Council’s Delelgate on the following Committees:

  • Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA)
  • Walcha Local Health Committee

And is also a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Riverview Clinical Governance Committee
  • Walcha Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee
  • Walcha Council General Manager’s Performance Review Committee

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Elected as Deputy Mayor on 9 October 2024.


Clr Hyde Thomson

First Elected to Council on 14 September 2024.


Clr Gary Olrich

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Councillor Olrich is a member of the following Council Committees:

  • Walcha Council Community Care Committee
  • Walcha Motorcyle Rally Advisory Committee
  • Walcha Council Capital Review Committee

Contact Details

Walcha Council
Phone: 02 6774 2500
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Clr Stephen McCoy

First elected to Council on 14 September 2024.

Clr McCoy has been elected to:

  • Walcha Council’s General Manager’s Performance Review Committee; and
  • Walcha Council’s Capital Review Committee


He is also Council’s representative on the Mid North Weight of Loads Group.

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