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Infrastructure Department: 6774 2515
Baths (Walcha Pool), Middle Street: 6777 2200
State Emergency Service (SES): 132 500
Local Commander: Bob Burnell: 0428 771406
Fire Control Officer (all hours): 6771 2400
Library: 6774 2550
Visitor Information Centre: 6774 2460
Fitzroy Street next door to Walcha Motel
Fax: 6774 2462
Mobile: 0427 772088
Walcha Council Community Care Office: 6774 2471
Mobile: 0428 774470
After Hours:
On Call: Mobile: 0427 774 544
Rural Fire Brigades Report all fires 24 hours ..Dial 000
Armidale Rural Fire Service (all hours) 6771 2400
First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Schaefer has been elected as Walcha Council’s Delegate to the following Committees:
First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Reilly is a member of the following Council Committees:
And has also been elected to be Council’s Delegate on the following organisations:
First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Pointing is a member of the following Council Committees:
First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016.
Elected as Mayor on 28 September 2016. Re-elected unopposed on 22 December 2021.
Councillor Noakes is Council’s Delelgate on the following Committees:
And is also a member of the following Council Committees:
First Elected to Council on 10 September 2016
Elected as Deputy Mayor on 22 December 2021
Councillor Kermode is Council’s Delegate on the following Committees:
And is also a member of the following Council Committees:
First Elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Hicks is a member of the following Council Committees:
Clr Hicks is Council’s Delegate on the following organisation:
First elected to Council in 1991.
Was elected as Deputy Mayor from 2000 – 2012.
Councillor Ferrier is a Member of the following Walcha Council Committees:
Contact Details
Walcha Council
Phone: 02 6774 2500
Fax: 02 6777 1181
E – council@walcha.nsw.gov.au
First elected to Council on 04 December 2021.
Clr Berry has been elected to the following Council Committees: